Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility US Department of Energy

ARM Madden-Julian Oscillation Investigation Experiment- Gan Island (AMIE-GAN)

1 October 2011 - 31 March 2012

Lead Scientist: Chuck Long

Observatory: amf, gan

The overarching campaign, which included the second ARM Mobile Facility (AMF2) deployment in conjunction with the DYNAMO and CINDY2011 campaigns, was designed to test several current hypotheses regarding the mechanisms responsible for MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) initiation and propagation in the Indian Ocean area. The synergy between the proposed AMF2 deployment with DYNAMO/CINDY2011, and the corresponding funded experiment on Manus, combine for an overarching ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE) with two components: AMF2 on Gan Island, Maldives (AMIE-Gan) where the MJO initiates and starts its eastward propagation, and the Manus ARM site (AMIE-Manus) which is in the general area where the MJO usually starts to weaken in climate models. AMIE-Gan provided measurements of particular interest to Atmospheric System Research scientists relevant to improving the representation of MJO initiation in climate models. The framework of DYNAMO/CINDY2011 included two proposed island-based sites, and two ship-based locations forming a square pattern with sonde profiles and scanning precipitation and cloud radars at both island and ship sites. These data were used to produce a variational analysis data set coinciding with the one produced for AMIE-Manus. The synergy between AMIE-Manus and AMIE-Gan allowed studies of the initiation, propagation, and evolution of the convective cloud population within the framework of the MJO. As with AMIE-Manus, AMIE-Gan/DYNAMO also included a significant modeling component geared toward improving the representation of MJO initiation and propagation in climate and forecasting models.

ARM field campaigns on Gan Island, Maldives, and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, contributed significantly to concurrent national and international research efforts addressing the question of how the MJO initiates and changes as it passes over the Maritime Continent, and how this differs in observations versus models.
ARM field campaigns on Gan Island, Maldives, and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, contributed significantly to concurrent national and international research efforts addressing the question of how the MJO initiates and changes as it passes over the Maritime Continent, and how this differs in observations versus models.
Instruments from the second ARM Mobile Facility were located at sites like this around Gan Island for a six-month campaign in the Maldives.
Instruments from the second ARM Mobile Facility were located at sites like this around Gan Island for a six-month campaign in the Maldives.


Anthony Del Genio Stephen Klein Courtney Schumacher
William Gustafson Xiaohong Liu Andrew Vogelmann
Robert Houze Edward Luke Yi Wang
Christian Jakob Peter May Shaocheng Xie
Michael Jensen Sally McFarlane Chidong Zhang
Richard Johnson Patrick Minnis


  • Child Campaign


Stanford M, A Varble, and H Morrison. 2024. "Evaluation of a Stochastic Mixing Scheme in the Deep Convective Gray Zone Using a Tropical Oceanic Deep Convection Case Study." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(1), e2023MS003748, 10.1029/2023MS003748.

Nie Y, X Li, Q Paletta, M Aragon, A Scott, and A Brandt. 2024. "Open-source sky image datasets for solar forecasting with deep learning: A comprehensive survey." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189, 113977, 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113977.


Sakaeda N and G Torri. 2023. "The Observed Effects of Cold Pools on Convection Triggering and Organization during DYNAMO/AMIE." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(17), e2023JD038635, 10.1029/2023JD038635.

Shin J and J Baik. 2023. "Optimization and Evaluation of Stochastic Unified Convection Using Single‐Column Model Simulations at Multiple Observation Sites." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(5), e2022MS003473, 10.1029/2022MS003473.

Najarian H and N Sakaeda. 2023. "The Influence of Cloud Types on Cloud‐Radiative Forcing during DYNAMO/AMIE." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(8), e2022JD038006, 10.1029/2022JD038006.


Hu Q, Z Han, and S Wang. 2022. "Cloud Radiative Effects on MJO Development in DYNAMO." Journal of Climate, 35(21), 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0882.1.

Thayer J and D Hence. 2022. "Transition of Large‐scale Environmental Conditions and Characteristics of Four Rainfall Types observed by S‐PolKa during the MJO‐1 Active Phase of DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(12), e2021JD036188, 10.1029/2021JD036188.

Sakaeda N and G Torri. 2022. "The Behaviors of Intraseasonal Cloud Organization during DYNAMO/AMIE." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(7), e2021JD035749, 10.1029/2021JD035749.

Johnson R, P Ciesielski, and W Schubert. 2022. "Hydrometeor Storage and Advection Effects in DYNAMO Budget Analyses." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, , 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0266.1.


Yu H, K Rasmussen, and H Kuo. 2021. "Quasi‐Two‐Day and Diurnal Cloud Variation Timescales over Convectively Active Regions." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(21), e2021JD035426, 10.1029/2021JD035426.

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Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Zhe Feng Combined Remote Sensor Retrieval (CombRet) Order Data
Chuck Long Radiative Flux Analysis Evaluation Product Order Data
Chuck Long Radiosonde Data Order Data
Chuck Long Radiosonde Data Order Data
Mariko Oue disdro Order Data
Shaocheng Xie Single Column Model Forcing Order Data

GAN Data Sources

Name Full Name Browse Data
AOD-MFRSR Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived from MFRSR measurements Browse Data
CEIL Ceilometer Browse Data
CSPHOT Sunphotometer Browse Data
ECMWFDIAG European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses Browse Data
GNDRAD Ground Radiometers on Stand for Upwelling Radiation Browse Data
HSRL High Spectral Resolution Lidar Browse Data
INTERPSONDE Interpolated Sonde Browse Data
KASACR Ka-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar Browse Data
KAZR Ka ARM Zenith Radar Browse Data
KAZRARSCL Active Remote Sensing of CLouds (ARSCL) product using Ka-band ARM Zenith Radars Browse Data
KAZRCOR KAZR Corrected Data Browse Data
MERGESONDE Merged Sounding Browse Data
MET Surface Meteorological Instrumentation Browse Data
MFRSR Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Browse Data
MFRSRCLDOD Cloud Optical Properties from MFRSR Using Min Algorithm Browse Data
MICROBASE Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval Browse Data
MPL Micropulse Lidar Browse Data
MPLCMASK Cloud mask from Micropulse Lidar Browse Data
MWR Microwave Radiometer Browse Data
MWR3C Microwave Radiometer, 3 Channel Browse Data
MWRRET MWR Retrievals Browse Data
PBLHT Planetary Boundary Layer Height Browse Data
QCRAD Data Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation Data Browse Data
RADFLUXANAL Radiative Flux Analysis Browse Data
RAIN Rain Gauge Browse Data
SKYRAD Sky Radiometers on Stand for Downwelling Radiation Browse Data
SONDE Balloon-Borne Sounding System Browse Data
SONDEADJUST Sonde Adjust Browse Data
SONDEGRID Gridded Sonde VAP Product Browse Data
TSI Total Sky Imager Browse Data
VARANAL Constrained Variational Analysis Browse Data
VDIS Video Disdrometer Browse Data
VISST Minnis Cloud Products Using Visst Algorithm Browse Data
XSACR X-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar Browse Data