
ARM’s continuous measurements and field campaigns are helping advance climate science.

Scientists from around the world conduct research using data from ARM’s continuous measurements and field campaigns. ARM’s contributions to atmospheric science can be seen in science publications and research highlights.

Field Campaigns

Field campaigns provide a means for scientists to augment or modify the configuration of the ARM facility to address specific science issues. Campaigns range in complexity from deploying a single instrument to deploying an ARM Mobile Facility to remote locations around the world. As a scientific user facility, any scientist can submit a proposal to do field campaigns at ARM’s atmospheric observatories.


Data from ARM’s continuous measurements and field campaigns at sites around the world are a vital asset to atmospheric researchers. Research results are published in scientific journal articles, conference publications, and presentations.

Research Highlights

Publications in scientific journals represent tangible evidence of ARM’s contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and cloud research. ARM’s Research Highlights summarize recently published research results.

Recent Highlights

Increasing model spatial resolution fails to reduce simulated storm biases

21 January 2025

Fast, Jerome D

Supported by: ARM ASR

Research area: Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions

Accurately predicting impacts from storms depends on accurately simulating their growth as a function of atmospheric conditions. Using a model setup like those used for operational forecasting, results show that total storm rainfall over a large area is reasonably predicted. However, heavy rain rates were too frequent and light rain [...]

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New methods for extracting more detail from existing data sets

21 January 2025

Isaacman-VanWertz, Gabriel

Supported by: ARM ASR

Research area: Aerosol Properties

Detailed data of what is in the atmosphere is often very complex, containing thousands of chemicals without known identities or properties. By developing new automated tools for analyzing certain types of data, this research will substantially improve the ability to make sense of these data and extract new details about the composition of [...]

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