The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility includes an active Data Quality program to characterize the quality of ARM measurements. This minimizes the time required to address instrument problems to provide the best-possible measurements for scientific research. Maintaining data quality (DQ) for an organization with the size and complexity of ARM is a significant challenge, and is managed by the ARM Data Quality Office. The three sources of DQ information for ARM data are:
- Instrument handbooks—found on each instrument’s page
- Embedded Quality Control (QC) flags—found in most data files as ancillary variables and can be easily deciphered
- Data Quality Reports (DQRs)—visible while browsing for data, received with data orders, and accessible through the DQR web service.
Even after significant scrutiny, some unidentified issues may be present in the data. Help ensure data quality by informing ARM of any issue, no matter the severity.