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User Executive Committee

The ARM User Executive Committee (UEC) provides objective, timely feedback to the leadership of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility with respect to the user experience. The committee serves as the official voice of the user community in its interactions with ARM management.

Map showing home institutions of all UEC members

Organizational Structure

The UEC reports to the ARM Director and is made up of at least 10 members representing ARM’s various science domains. Members serve four-year terms with a staggered election cycle.

Current UEC members are:

  • Michael Jensen, Chair, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Osinachi Ajoku, Howard University
  • Sarah Brooks, Texas A&M University
  • Connor Flynn, University of Oklahoma
  • Christina McCluskey, National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • Erika Roesler, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Kathleen Schiro, University of Virginia
  • Yunpeng Shan, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Tianning Su, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Zhien Wang, Stony Brook University
  • Peng Wu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Qing Yue, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Maria Zawadowicz, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Kai Zhang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Xue Zheng, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025