Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility US Department of Energy



Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon - Hi-Vol Filter Sampling

13 March 2015 - 31 December 2015

Lead Scientist: Cristine de Mello Dias Machado

Observatory: amf, mao

The atmospheric plume of Manaus has substances emitted mainly from burning fossil fuels, industrial activity and soil dust. The transport of this plume to Manacapuru can take these pollutants in the atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Additional sources are biomass burning and brickworks present in the AM-070 highway. This project aims to study the PM2.5 because of the problems it can cause to health. The principal effects of exposure to PM2.5 are asthma, pneumonia and cardiac arrhythmias. We will determine the concentration of PM2.5 and its chemical composition with respect to metals, PHA, and water soluble ions. The PM2.5 will be collected in a quartz filter with a high volume sampler (Hivol) at the sampling site near Manacapuru. The results will be correlated with meteorological and health data of the local population. This relation between respiratory diseases and environmental factors about air pollution can help to building an epidemiological hypothesis for this region. So, it is intended to not only an understanding of the impact of climate change in the levels of air pollution and its relation to human health in a region of the Amazon, but also contribute to the technical and scientific development of the region and to improve the quality of life and environmental preservation.


Karenn Fernandes
Erickson Santos
Rodrigo Souza


  • Parent Campaign
  • Sibling Campaign


Machado CM, EO Santos, KS Fernandes, JL Neto, and RA Souza. 2016. Green Ocean Amazon 2014/15 High-Volume Filter Sampling: Atmospheric Particulate Matter of an Amazon Tropical City and its Relationship to Population Health Field Campaign Report. Ed. by Robert Stafford, DOE ARM Climate Research Facility. DOE/SC-ARM-16-045. 10.2172/1302244.

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