ARM and EMSL are seeking collaborative research applications through the Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) program, which encourages and enables ambitious research projects integrating the expertise and capabilities of multiple user facilities.
Through the new FICUS call, researchers can apply to use EMSL instruments to collect samples of aerosols and volatile organic compounds on ARM TBS flights and then conduct analysis using advanced laboratory techniques at EMSL. For information about the EMSL instruments available for this call, read the ARM/EMSL FICUS FY2026 solicitation.
Proposed research should investigate aerosol processes, aerosol-cloud interactions, or land-atmosphere processes over rural, urban, and coastal areas toward improved earth system models and mechanistic representations of these processes.
FICUS applicants may propose to analyze samples from past TBS missions or from planned FY2025 missions at the BNF or as part of ARM’s Coast-Urban-Rural Atmospheric Gradient Experiment (CoURAGE) in Baltimore, Maryland.
In addition, applicants may propose new FY2026 missions for the BNF or SGP sites. Mission proposals will also be considered for ARM’s Desert-Urban SysTem IntegratEd AtmospherIc Monsoon (DUSTIEAIM) field campaign in Phoenix for the period of April through September 2026.
Proposals requesting the EMSL instruments and sample analysis must be submitted to the ARM/EMSL FICUS FY2026 solicitation.
FICUS submissions will require a letter of intent to facilitate the planning of the peer-review process, ensure alignment of proposals to ARM and EMSL missions and capabilities, and assist users in building strong proposals. More information about letter-of-intent requirements is available on this FICUS guidance web page.
Letters of intent are due Tuesday, February 4, 2025. FICUS decisions and invitations for full proposals will be sent by Tuesday, March 4, 2025.