twp - Central Facility, Manus I., PNG

2.06° S
147.425° E
4 meters
Surface Type
Lowland Tropical Rainforest
19 (0 active)
Primary Measurement Types
34 (0 active)

Rainbow Over Atlantic Ocean

Manus Island Water

Tropical Island Flower

Former ARM Instrument Shipping Container as House

The C1 site for ARM’s Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) began operations in 1996 on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea. ARM chose this island because of its location in the heart of the Pacific warm pool, which plays a large role in the interannual variability observed in the global climate system.
Unlike the SGP site, the tropical atmosphere is not convectively active throughout the entire year. Activity comes in seasonal weather phenomena such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Understanding the these phenomena is critical for improving global climate models.

Instruments deployed at TWP - Central Facility, Manus I., PNG

Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
2011-04-19 - 2014-07-06
1996-10-11 - 2014-07-07
2010-11-02 - 2014-07-10
Ground Radiometers on Stand for Upwelling Radiation
1996-10-09 - 2014-07-07
Infrared Thermometer
2012-02-28 - 2014-07-07
Ka-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar
2013-01-25 - 2013-03-07
Ka ARM Zenith Radar
2011-03-12 - 2014-07-06
Surface Meteorological Instrumentation
1997-11-01 - 2014-07-06
Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer
1996-10-21 - 2014-07-07
Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radar
1999-06-14 - 2011-03-07
Micropulse Lidar
1996-10-11 - 2014-07-07
Microwave Radiometer
1996-10-11 - 2014-05-19
Microwave Radiometer, 3 Channel
2013-02-27 - 2014-07-07
Rain Gauge
2010-12-06 - 2014-07-06
Sky Radiometers on Stand for Downwelling Radiation
1996-10-09 - 2014-07-07
Balloon-Borne Sounding System
1997-08-28 - 2014-07-07
Total Sky Imager
2003-11-30 - 2014-06-10
Video Disdrometer
2011-12-10 - 2014-07-04
Whole Sky Imager
1998-08-16 - 2002-05-07

Primary Measurements collected at twp - Central Facility, Manus I., PNG

Aerosol optical depth
Browse Data
Aerosol optical properties
Browse Data
Atmospheric moisture
Browse Data
Atmospheric pressure
Browse Data
Atmospheric temperature
Browse Data
Backscattered radiation
Browse Data
Cloud base height
Browse Data
Cloud fraction
Browse Data
Horizontal wind
Browse Data
Hydrometeor Geometry
Browse Data
Hydrometeor Size Distribution
Browse Data
Hydrometeor fall velocity
Browse Data
Hydrometeor size
Browse Data
Liquid water path
Browse Data
Longwave broadband downwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Longwave narrowband brightness temperature
Browse Data
Longwave spectral radiance
Browse Data
Microwave narrowband brightness temperature
Browse Data
Precipitable water
Browse Data
Browse Data
Radar Doppler
Browse Data
Radar polarization
Browse Data
Radar reflectivity
Browse Data
Shortwave broadband diffuse downwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave broadband direct normal irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave broadband total downwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave broadband total upwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave narrowband diffuse downwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave narrowband direct normal irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave narrowband radiance
Browse Data
Shortwave narrowband total downwelling irradiance
Browse Data
Shortwave spectral radiance
Browse Data
Vertical velocity
Browse Data
Browse Data