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World’s premier ground-based observations facility advancing atmospheric research

Laboratory Partners

Working together, nine U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories manage and operate the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility. This partnership supports the DOE efforts to better understand and predict Earth’s atmosphere in order to develop sustainable solutions to the nation’s energy and environmental challenges.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Managing the Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory, the largest, most extensive ARM site, and the third ARM Mobile Facility (AMF3)
  • Securing the data systems and communications for all the ARM observatories
  • Leading all the instrument mentors, as well as mentoring select instruments
  • Developing science data products for the precipitation radars.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Mentoring aerosol observing systems and sun photometers
  • Co-leading LASSO—the LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation high-resolution modeling project
  • Developing science data products for the cloud radars and related instruments.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Mentoring carbon flux and trace carbon concentration instruments
  • Mentoring stereo-camera/photogrammetry instruments.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Developing science data products that link ARM observations with global models.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Managing and operating the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) atmospheric observatory and the first ARM Mobile Facility (AMF1) and second AMF (AMF2)
  • Developing and maintaining process-driven, web-based applications supporting site operations and engineering.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Mentoring broadband radiometers.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Providing management and leadership for the ARM data and computing environment, product delivery, and science user interaction
  • Developing and managing ARM’s data vision and strategy
  • Managing the ARM Data Services, that includes providing end-to-end data service capabilities
  • Providing oversight of the flow and processing of raw data from all ARM atmospheric observatories and external sources to the ARM Data Services
  • Managing metadata processes
  • Managing data ingest, Value-Added Product, and reprocessing operations
  • Implementing and managing ARM’s Data Discovery interface and data delivery tools
  • Developing and managing data product registration, data citation, as well as other metadata and data quality tools
  • Managing facility user profiles, storing and reporting facility and data usage metrics.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is responsible for:

  • Implementing the overall technical direction of the user facility and operations, including
    • Developing strategies for ARM
    • Managing the multi-laboratory integrated budget
    • Providing oversight of operations and engineering activities
  • Managing and operating the ARM Aerial Facility
  • Managing the engineering process and setting engineering priorities
  • Leading the LASSO high resolution modeling project
  • Developing science products for clouds and aerosols
  • Leading development of data ingests for ARM instrumentation and external data products, and software development tools
  • Mentoring select instruments, such as the ARM radar network, lidars, and radiometers
  • Managing ARM Communications, including
    • Managing and designing the ARM website
    • Providing public information products and services.

Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories is responsible for:

  • Managing the North Slope of Alaska atmospheric observatory
  • Mentoring the high spectral resolution lidar and the tethered balloon systems (TBS).
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025